Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reflection 2

Today I taught a lesson on adding using a number line. This was a continuation of other addition lessons using multiple strategies. It is important for students to have many strategies they can use to solve math problems, so they can later use the one that works best for them. During the lesson, students were given Expo markers and a dry-erase number line. I always allow students to write on the table if needed. They know that these are special markers and a special table (so mistakes don’t happen at home.) Students were taught then later assessed on adding using a number line by starting at the first number and “hopping” how many ever the next number says.

I think that this lesson went well. The students seemed to be engaged and enjoyed the lesson. The students received tactile, auditory, and visual things to help them.

Although I only have a math group of three students, their ability levels are extremely varied. I am having a tough time deciding how to differentiate enough within a small group. In the perfect world, I could be one-on-one with them all of the time.
Until next time...


  1. Chelsea,

    Your lesson was fantastic! The kids were all actively engaged and enthusiastic to learn about this strategy!

  2. Chelsea,
    I have heard you talk about the lessons you plan before and they always sound so engaging and fun for the children. You do such wonderful teacher and your children seem to just love you.

  3. Sounds like a fun lesson! The number line is a great method for your students to use. I'm sure they loved it and had fun "hopping" to the next number using their special pens.

    What an awesome teacher you are!

  4. This a great strategy to use on the table with dry-erase markers!! We may use this method with some of our friends who need a visual and kinesthetic reminder for their subtraction problems. I know they have so much fun with you! I hope we can combine classes again soon!

  5. It was fun to watch. They liked the idea of a frog hopping. I remember doing number lines when I was little and I liked the way it was self checking. Good lesson!

  6. I am glad you talked about magic markers only being able to write on the special table. Some of my students love to write on the tables and it is difficult to find ways to discourage this habit. This is a great strategy. Sounds like the lesson went well too. Awesome job!
